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Barabash Yuriy G., Danilyan Oleg G.  Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University ‒ the leading law institution of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga. 2021. Vol. 10. Núm. 37 P. 7-8.


Baranov P.P.,  Mamychev A.Yu.,  Danilyan O.G.,  Oleynikov N.S.,  Perevalova L.V.  State power in modern society: the problems of understanding and investigation. Amazonia Investige.  2018.  Vol.7.  Num. 16. pp. 373-379

Bytiak Y., Danilyan O., Dzeban A., Kalinovsky Y., Chalapko V. Information society: the interaction of tradition and innovation in communicative processes. Amazonia Investiga.  2020. Volume 9. Issue 27. P. 217-226.


Bytiak Y., Danilyan O., Dzeban A., Kalinovsky Y., Finin H.  Cyberspace and virtual reality as characteristics of the information society.  Revista Inclusiones. 2021. Vol. 8. № 1. P. 332-349.


Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., Kalnytskyi E. A., Zhdanenko S. B. Personal information rights and freedoms within the modern society. Informatologia. 2018. № 51 (1-2). P. 24-33.

URL: http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15618.  

Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., Zhdanenko S. B., Kalnytskyi E. A. Problems of adaptation of a man to the conditions of information society. Media, Culture and Public Relations.  2019. Vol. 10. № 1. Р. 30-41.

URL: http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16736.

Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalynovskyi Yu. Yu., Kovalenko I. I., Melyakova J. V.,  Danilyan V. O. Value determinants of the information security of a democratic state. Revista Inclusiones. 2020. Volumen 7. № 2. P. 457-473.

URL: http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18264.

Danilyan O. G., Dzeban O. P., Kalynovskyi Y. Y. The influence of historical traditions on the formation of legal consciousness of the Ukrainian people. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas. Número 26. 2021. P. 144-165.

URL:  https://revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/330.

Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., Kovalenko I. I., Melyakova J. V., Danilyan V. O. Information security of a modern democratic state: axiological context. Religacion. Journal of social sciences and humanities. 2019. Vol. 4. № 21 (November special issue 2019). P. 278-285.


Danilyan O., Dzeban O. Synergetic interpretation of society development: cyclicity and self-organization. Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія. 2017. № 3 (34). С. 4-12.

URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vnyua_2017_3_3  


Danilyan O., Dzoban O. The problem of correlation between information rights and  information freedom of man in the contemporary world. Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія. 2018. № 1 (36). С. 8-19. 

URL: http://fil.nlu.edu.ua/issue/view/7382

Danilyan O., Dzоban A., Kalinovsky Y. Man in informational society: from moral identification to moral identity. National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald. 2019. № 1. С. 108-113.

URL: http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16734

Danilyan О., Dzoban А. Existence-network dimension of information security in modern society. Схід. Аналітично-інформаційний журнал. 2021. Том 1 (1). С. 11-17.

URL: https://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18789

Getman Anatolii P., Danilyan Oleg G., Magda Julissa Rojas-Bahamón, Diego Felipe Arbeláez-Campillo, Olexandra’s Ptashnyk-Serediuk. Rethinking the category of organic intellectual of/by Antonio Gramsci in today’s world. Cuestiones Politicas. 2021. Volume 39. Num. 68. P. 273-289.


Getman, A., Danilyan, O., Dzeban, A., Kalinovsky, Y., Hetman, Y. Information security in modern society: Sociocultural aspects. Amazonia Investiga. 2020. Vol. 9. Núm. 25:6-14. P. 6-14.

URL: https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/1021/946

Karabushchenko P. L.,  Ponedelkov A. V.,  Vorontsov S. A.,  Danilyan O. G.,  & Vronskaya M. V. Elitology of education and challenges of the 21st century. Amazonia Investiga.  2018.  Vol.7.  №. 17.   С. 343-352.


Mamychev A. Yu., Danilyan O. G., Kravchenko A.G., Blochina N. A., Anisimova H.V. Political and Legal Models of State Institute:  Transformation in the 21st century. ORBIS.  2018.  № 41.  Р.  55-64.


Meliakova Y. V., Kovalenko I. I., Zhdanenko S. B., Kalnytskyi E. A., Krasiuk T. V. Posthuman Freedom as the Right to Unlimited Pleasure. Amazonia Investiga. 2021. Vol. 10. Issue 39. P. 62-75.


Meliakova Y. V., Zhdanenko S. B., Egert V. O. Performance in the methodology of philosophy of law. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: Філософія. 2019. № 3(42). С. 96-106.


Meliakova Y., Kovalenko I., Manuylov E., Kalnytskyi E. Subject of Law as Homo Present. Revista Inclusiones. 2020. Vol. 7. Numero Especial: SI. P. 179-192.


Meliakova Y., Kovalenko I., Zhdanenko S., Kalnytskyi E. Performance in the Postmodern Culture and Law. Amazonia Investiga. 2020. Vol. 9. Issue 27. P. 340-348.


Tatsiy V.Ya.,  Danilyan O. G. Legal culture and state building in modern Ukraine: problems of mutual influence.  Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores.  2020.   Vol. 7. Issue 2.  № 85. Р. 1-14.


Tatsiy V.Ya.,  Danilyan O. G. The impact of globalization processes on the legal sphere. Amazonia Investige.  2019.  Vol. 8.  № 22. Р.  580-586.


Tatsiy V.Ya.,  Danilyan O. G. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the rule of law state in Ukraine. Amazonia Investige.  2020.  Vol. 9.  № 26. Р.  442-449.


Tatsiy V.Ya., Danilyan O.G.  The rule of law: modern scientific discourse and practical realization in Ukraine. National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald.  2018.  № 4.  С. 465-472.


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1. Andrein, Charles F. Comparative Political Systems: Policy Performance and Social Change / Charles F. Andrein. - Armonk ; New York ; London : M.E. Sharpe, 1994. - 244 p.

2. Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Cosmopolitanism. Ethics in a World of Strangers / K. A. Appiah. - New York ; London : W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. - 196 p.

3. Bell, Daniel. Communitarianism and its Critics / Daniel Bell. - Oxford : CALENDON PRESS, 1993. - 256 p.

4. Democracy and the Capitalist State. - Cambridge ; New York ; New Rochelle : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1989. - 323 p.

5. Dworkin, Ronald. Law's Empire / Ronald Dworkin. - Cambridge ; Massachusetts ; London : The Belknap Press, 1986. - 470 p.

6. Erikson, Robert S. Statehouse Democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states / Robert S. Erikson, Gerald C., John P. McIver. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - 269 p.

7. Friedman, David. The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism / D. Friedman. - Second Edition. - La Salle : Open Court Publishing Company, 1989. - 267 p.

8. Glad, John. Future Human Evolution / John Glad. - USA : Hermitage Publishers, 2006. - 136 p.

9. Hayek, F. A. The Constitution of Liberty / F. A. Hayek. - London ; New York : University of Chicago, 2008. - 498 p.

10. Knight, Jack. Institutions and Social Conflict / Jack Knight ; Washington University. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992. - 234 p.

11. Law and legal cultures in the 21st century: Diversity and Unity. - Warszawa : Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, 2007. - 247 p.

12. Macquarrie, John. Martin Heidegger / J. Macquarrie. - Atlanta : John knox press, 1968. - 62 p.

13. Malone, Dumas. Empire for Liberty / D. Malone. - New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. Vol. 2 : To 1865: The Genesis and Growth of the United States of America. - 1960. - 917 p.

14. Portis, Edward Bryan. Reconstructing the classics. Political Teory from Plato to Marx / E. B. Portis. - 2nd ed. - Chatham : Chatham House Publishers, 1998. - 208 p.

15. Shapiro, Ian. The Evolution of Rights in Liberal Theory / Ian Shapiro. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1986. - 326 p.

16. Social mobility and social structure. - Cambridge ; New York ; New Rochelle : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1990. - 364 p.

17. Sophia and Praxis: The Boundaries of Politics. - Chatham ; New Jersey : Chatham House Publishers, 1984. - 148 p.

18. Sterba, James P. Social and political philosophy: Classical Western Texts in Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives / James P. Sterba ; University of Notre Dame. - ed. 3rd. - Belmont : Thomson Wardsworth, 2003. - 588 p.

19. Terence, Ball. Political Ideology and the Democratic ideal / B. Terence, R. Dagger. - New York ; San Francisco ; Boston : Pearson Education Longman, 2009. - 338 p.

20. Transformations of post-communist states / edited by: W. Kosteski, K. Zukrowska, B. Goralczyk. - New York : St. Martin's press, 2000. - 309 p.

21. Ukrainian reforms under the microscope: 2015 / O. Banchuk [et al.] ; ред.: V. Miskyi, O. Halushka. - Kyiv, 2015. - 88 p.

22. Uslaner, Eric. The Moral Foundations of Trust / E. M. Uslaner. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - 298 p.

23. Varga, Csaba. Contemporary Legal Philosophising: Schmitt, Kelsen, Lukacs, Hart & Law and Literature, with Marxim's Dark Legacy in Central Europe (On Teaching Legal Philosophy in Appendix) / Csaba Varga. - Budapest : Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 2013. - 344 p.

24. Varga, C. Law and philosophy. Selected Papers in legal Theory / C. Varga. - Budapest : Б. и., 1994. - 530 p.

25. Wardlaw, Grant. Political Terrorism: Theory, tactics, and counter-measures / Grant Wardlaw. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge ; New York ; Port Chester : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1990. - 248 p.

26. White, Stephen. The politics of transition:shaping a post-Soviet future / Stephen White, Graeme Gill, Darrell Slider. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - 277 p.


1. Harvard ukrainian studies / ed. H. Hryn. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press ; Harvard : Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. - Vol. 29. Number 1-4. 2007 : Ukrainian philology and linguistics in the twenty-first century / ed. M. S. Flier. - 2011. - 549 p.

2. Harvard ukrainian studies. - Vol. 32-33 : Жнива: Essays Presented in Honor of George G. Grabowicz on His Seventieth Birthday, Part 1 / ed.: R. Koropeckyj, T. Koznarsky, M. Tarnawsky. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - 2015. - 454 p.

3. Harvard ukrainian studies / ed.: R. Koropeckyj, T. Koznarsky, M. Tarnawsky. - Vol. 32-33, 2011-2014 : Жнива : Essays Presented in Honor of George G. Grabowicz on His Seventieth Birthday, Part 2. - Cambridge ; Massachusetts : [s. n.], [2014]. - 871 p.


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